Tale of The Fiso

Fiso was detected in 1999 on 24th June, as scientists say she was born in a Georgian country full of bad people. being young she spent most of her time sleeping without any suspicious movements, later she started playing on nerves, and was awarded many times by her father Givi. as father said she was talented and excited about drawing compositions, there are many well-known paintings fiso created in her early life.generally she was a positive person loved and cared about people.at one point in the school, she was a victim of a strange accident which changed her life, it transformed from positive to negative, from warm to cold.one day she posted who shout in streets about football should be killed, and its the moment where the person of his life the savior joins the game of life.his name is unknown to us, but we have many other details that inspired fiso to be a positive and happy person once again.so the first time they met was the moment when this unknown person shouted about football after winning a great match with his friends, it was near fiso's house where she was out smoking, of course, she reacted negatively and shouted back to them, but that was the moment when fiso's and his eyes met each other for the first time, that was long ago.months passed and one day fiso was introduced to a strange guy by a friend of her friend, the guy didn't care about fiso just talked about few stupid things, but if you looked at them from the sky you would feel the love and warmth they spread in few minutes after the introduction.later they got well together and started to meet each other alone in a calm and comfortable environment,and the best thing was the real faces the happiness in the smiles and eyes full of love.it wasnt surprise for everyone but later they transformed into one, all it means is two human beings uniting and become one powerful force and hope of love the purest forom of humanity and integrity, from that moment life started throwing problems at them, life was doing everything to set them apart brought in problems like money friends parents even global virus epidemic to stop them,becouse it was against the law it was unnatural two humans integrating into one, so the mother nature was fighting against the anomaly, deeply nature had its plan of testing their love and integrity, it was known to nature if they hold they deserve to be together and I as the mother of nature have no right to oppose this feeling of love, the loved ones continued living apart from everyone passing tests with best marks making nature impressed, later in the adult life they started to rise as high as the sky,achivng millions of success and spreading love across the world, life paid off the suffering and made them happies humans alive in the world, the morale of tale is really important, it was an example to the whole world that love and inegrity can unite eveything and build the best,even win against the nature.

University of Galactic Love, Mid-half 2510 June.
Anrii xo giyvarvar? ❤